It Takes Guts 2 B Smart
Our students test on average 78% better then nationwide averages on SAT I & II, AP, GED & LSAT
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Become a Tutor
The Details
Contact Us
Intrepid Tutoring is looking for a limited amount of subject specialists to join his business team. Not only will you have the opportunity to teach what you know best; but also have the option to help, and profit from, our business growth.
My expertise is in math through junior college. I am also adept in reading comprehension, business writing, study skills, and English/math based admissions and exit exams. I need backup tutors for these subjects, and experts in all other math and collegiate subjects.
You will work as an independent contractor. You will set your own rate with clients, adding a 20% fee for overhead FOR THE FIRST 10 SESSIONS ONLY. After that, you will have the option of taking over the client relationship in its entirety.
Requirements Include:
A demonstration of proficiency. You will be limited to 3 subjects once my team is complete.
Pass a background check
Agree to the methodology, client terms and conditions, etc described in the website.
Agree to a free introductory consultation with clients {phone or in person.}
Take limited direction from Intrepid Tutoring when I and the Student agree that change is needed.
Other terms and conditions as set forth in an Independent Contractor Agreement
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